Like Mother Like Daughter

Just for today, I am going to write about my eldest daughter, this is a picture of her enjoying the great outdoors as much as I do. To say that I am proud of her would be an understatement.  There are of course so many reasons why I am endlessly in love with her and this picture of her clinging to a rock gave me a lovely warm fuzzy feeling. Myself and my partner always intended our girls to be outdoorsy and it is a very satisfying feeling when you know you are achieving your parenting goals.  

This photo also fills me with an uneasy feeling as she is a complete mirror image of myself. I was what some may call a bit of a wild child in my youth,  I was a complete nightmare! How my mum coped I will never know… I have endless stories which I never intend on telling my children and I am doing everything in my power to give her the best opportunities to become something resembling a “non wild child” whatever that may be.  The way I am hoping this will work is by keeping her tucked away in the countryside and throwing her into the wilderness. It may not be that simple, but at the moment this plan is all I have and this idea gives me more hope.  I realise I am quite possibly living in a dream land, but it is a lovely land filled with wide open fields and towering tors. 

I have another daughter and the thought of them both being like me in my teenage years is just unimaginable! I would really like another child soon too but I have always sworn that if we were to have another girl then that would have to be it…  because anyone with more than three girls, is just a little bit mad in my book! Twins also run in my family, something I thought would be lovely when I had none or just one other child. Now that I already have two kiddies, add twins into the mix and well, the mind blows at the teenage years possibilities! I’m not quite sure how my body would cope with having twins either, as I am currently sofa bound with a bad back.

This is something I have suffered with since my first pregnancy, probably why I am sat at home feeling a little bit sorry for myself today. We are moving again in a few weeks and my back pain this time has come from me trying to make my house look like a show home so that people can come and view it. All whilst trying to pack all of our belongings and raise two young people in the same building.  I am definitely not a Pinterest mum, something I recently discovered was a “thing” from a great blog by Lucy at Home. The bun in my hair I am sporting today is a necessity and not a fashion statement. Mainly because no one including myself is allowed to use the shower until this evening as the glass is now spotless whilst we are waiting on the viewings…. Hence the back injury. 

Great timing for your back to go just as you’re about to move house, my partner will appreciate the convenience I’m sure! Anyway, thoughts and feeling noted for today. School run time, let’s hope she’s in a better mood now than when we left this morning when we had our first wardrobe malfunction.  She refused to wear a pepper pig hat, saying “Mum, I do not want my friends to think I still like pepper pig!” Yep she’s five and it’s happening already… Right off I go to hobble down the road with my bun and collect Mini Me. 


Thanks as always for reading my ramblings. 


Pink Pear Bear



Hot Pink Wellingtons

2 thoughts on “Like Mother Like Daughter

  1. thismumslife says:

    Aaah, they are lovely photos, and it’s great to instill a sense of ‘outdoorsiness’ in your children! Fingers crossed for you that it lasts, but I can’t imagine living on Dartmoor and not remaining outdoorsy-surely that’s a crime! I hope your back is much better soon-running a house and family with a bad back (or trying to do anything at all!) is next to impossible when you’re debilitated with a bad back. Good luck with the move too, let us know how you get on!
    Thanks for sharing with #bigpinklink!

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