Finding my “Thing”

I seems I reached that time in my life when all of sudden you realise you don't really have a thing, a hobby, a sport, just something that's all yours. I'm always trying new things, maybe that's my problem that I don't really stick to anything. I started Kickboxing a year ago, loved it got … Continue reading Finding my “Thing”


I bet your thinking WTF! Yes that's exactly what I'm thinking... this is the part my darling daughter will be playing in the Chrismas nativity play at that's it that is all I know. She came home the other day saying she was going to be the innkeeper's wife, again different but understandable and reasonably … Continue reading Fisherman/Visitor.

The little things…

Lots of the little things in life just pass us by and im having one of those beautiful days where the world seems to be sending me lots of positive vibes, "I'm not a hippy" but this morning started with very excited children watching the first snow come down, as we moved to the high … Continue reading The little things…

Here it goes…

Right then just a quicky to say hello. I have decided so many people are blogging now and i must be nearly just as interesting so here it is... Iv been inspired by lots of things, some of my friends are doing reviews on toys or about days out with there kids in Devon and … Continue reading Here it goes…