I think I just became an Adult! 

I am happy and willing to share my age, I am 29. I am not sure at what point women start to get concerned about sharing their age, maybe some women don’t ever feel that way.  What the reason is for the discreetness, I am not entirely sure, but I have not found myself at that point yet. Age is a weird thing, you would think popping a couple of children into the world would have made me an official adult, but that’s not really how it was for me. I think the massive change of having children made me feel smaller and younger than ever before. It was like learning who to be all over again, a different kind of person, a mum with real responsibilities… Ahhh! However the change has been for the better and now my kiddies are a little bit bigger, today I attempted to put myself back out there into the real world. I can no longer get away with saying I’m a young maid or blame mishaps on my youth! As I also have a few lines crawling from the corners of my eyes and even doctors are starting to look like school children…  I decided it was time to get back to “work”. I have worked a little over the last five years, but I have been lucky enough to stay at home most of the time with my children… out of choice! I’m not really sure if I can call what I am doing at the moment as work.  I am writing/blogging for myself and fitting it in and around my kids and other responsibilities. I would probably class it as a hobby but that’s also good thing. Really though, I am just trying to keep myself busy, or some may say… out of mischief. 

I was quite nervous when I got up in the morning, as I had never been to a networking event before! The thought of having to speak in public terrifies me.  I had no idea what I was walking into, whether I was going to have to introduce myself to a crowd or if I was just going to be out of my depth completely.  I didn’t know what to wear, or if I even had any business type clothes that fit since having children.  Or if I even remembered how to talk to adults, what if I accidentally excused myself to go for a “wee wee”, or some other childlike quote came out of my mouth! Did I still have the lingering smell from the last nappy change on me, the one that I had to sort out a few minutes before getting out of the door! As daunting as it was just going to say “Hello” to people, especially hard as I was going to promote myself.  I found some clean appropriate clothes and I just had to go for it.

I wasn’t half, or even a tiny bit as terrifying as I thought it could have been, in the many scenarios I had imagined in the previous days. It was very relaxed, the people were very nice and easy to talk to.  Although I may have picked up several of the same leaflets, whilst motivating myself to go and talk to people.  Dare I say it I think it went quite well, and I have lots of new ideas and possible opportunities to enjoy.  So I can now tap away to my heart’s content about the things and places that I love and see what happens.  I’m feeling all grown up, inspired and quite adult like.  This really is great for me because no matter what comes of it, being myself as well as being a mummy is something that I have found rather tricky at times.  Now I’m all Go Go Go, and my twiddling thumbs have something to focus on whilst the little ones are in school. My mum was so pleased that I had found myself something to do, she immediately went out a bought me a file to put my leaflets in! Which is very handy…  because I picked up a lot! 

My first few months of Blogging life seem to be going rather well, I seem to have become a real life adult type person, and I am feeling positive.  So Horrah, and if any of the people I met today read this I look forward to working forward to working with you, and thank you very much for making me feel welcome.  

L x

3 thoughts on “I think I just became an Adult! 

  1. itsadrama says:

    Loved this ! We live in New Zealand now but grew up in Cornwall and my brother is still in Tavistock. It makes me feel very warm inside to see all your photos whilst I sit thousands of miles away 🤗 Thank you for blogging !

    Liked by 1 person

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